Saturday 20 October 2012

Crave (2012) -Title sequence analyis

Crave (2012) — Art of the Title

This is really freaky. It is easy to guess what the movie is all about just by looking at these titles. It seems to represent the fact that people will be killed in horrible ways but it also seems to suggest that this can be fixed, as quite often, the toys will end up back in one piece. There are certainly connotations that the world is a dark, horrible place to be in. Some survive, some do not. The sequence shows a child's worst nightmare. At the end, the name of the film appears. The letters are are lights. The light up as if they have just been switched on which is very effective as it shows they are driven by something. It is interesting to note that the first shot is of a hole opening up, this makes us feel like we are seeing the film through  peephole. The soundtrack is a bit weird and there is no real sense of rhythm to it, this makes us feel uneasy.

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