Thursday 1 November 2012

Filming day

On wednesday, we completed all the filming of footage needed for our film. The previous night, things started falling apart as we were all talking over Facebook, checking the things we needed. We discovered that all of our extras, and our main male character dropped out, leaving us with only one actor. Another quite large problem we realised, was that none of us had remembered to take a tripod from school. We all arrived at our location (Hazel's house), by 11:00am and were set up by 11:20. After some rushed reach-outs on Facebook the night before, we managed to get an actor for the main male role and Adain found a tripod he had.
- obviously it's clear from this, that we all need to improve on our organisational skills...

Generally speaking from there on out the filming went really well and we all cooperated with each other in a reasonably professional way. Haha. We managed to get all the filming done in one day and finished by half past four, really happy with our footage. Now all that's left is to start the editing process first lesson back!!

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