Friday 18 January 2013

Past student evaluation

Although this is only the answer to one of the questions set in an evaluation, i feel he covers everything in a very collected, organised manor. He systematically goes through the technologies using screen grabs to relate to what he is saying as evidence.

Strengths of this video:

  • He has clearly thought about what he is going to say before recording the video
  • he includes screen grabs to back up what he's saying in time with when he's saying it
  • introduces the question at the very beginning, so makes it clear what he's going to talk about
  • explains all the technologies he used, how he used them and gives a little background info so anyone can understand what he's talking about
  • Talks to the camera as if talking straight to the examiner
Weaknesses of this video:
  • sometimes is not as concise as he probably could be
  • could have spoken about technologies he tried but didn't use and why
  • could have spoken about how technologies have changed over the years and how the current ones are better/worse

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