Friday, 12 October 2012

Our thriller idea summed up


  1. I enjoyed how your film idea is not overly complex in comparison to other groups. I also found the use of limited sound to be a good idea, As silence is a key aspect of films. My only comment would be to use at least some special effects, or maybe something like split screening between characters. Just to grab a few extra marks for the technical side. :)

    1. Hadn't even thought of using something like split screen, will definitely take in to consideration, thank you!

  2. I actually really liked your idea, which was a pleasant surprise.. ;P
    Ok, so I think your idea is really good and is really well thought out. I like the enigma of who gets shot, which is a really simple principle but still effective. It will get the audience asking questions and end in a cliffhanger which is always a good thing... :(
    I think it's good that you've thought about lighting and the troubles of the locations you'd like, which is don't think any other group has done in the same detail as you guys. I think the plans of your dolly zoom are good, but same goes for you as the Shannon and Christina.. it has to be done right..
    I think Aidan's precious stage idea is dependent on Nicole and Hazel's willingness to make it work. I think with Aidan's technical genius and the girl's creativity you could do good things, but it could all just fail and may be easier to use a real room. Since we have the opportunity of a preliminary task, maybe you should use the stage for that to see how effective it would be in the real thing. At least that way Aidan can't moan that you never gave it a chance.
    It's clear you understand the conventions and all that stuff, and your characters sound good, though a little lacking in detail. I think that having no dialogue could make it seem kind of 'silent movie-like', and most of the openings we've looked at do feature some dialogue, so maybe give that a thought.
    Again, don't make it too good because I really want a Thurstie...

    1. Thanks Mark. We have decided that we definitely won't be using the stage now!

    2. cheers for the comment mark, you really went for it there haha! We are including some (but still not very much) dialogue in the opening and always have been, just our communication in terms of explaining all the details to class - or each other - isn't always brilliant aha. And thanks for the advice on which zooms to use, ill have a test out on those soon! :)

  3. I think this is one of the more interesting that i have seen and i think it will work well.
    I also agree with mark about the whole stage thing, but as aidan has said you have decided not to use that idea, and i can't wait to see what locations you pick instead because they seem quite important to get across your story line..
    I like the idea of a little amount of dialogue because i think it can be really effective and we are also using very little language which might be another reason i like it.. But good luck and i hope everything works out well :) p.s sorry i don't have any tips to give you..

  4. You said in your presentation that you are going to have a complex male character. How are you going to show that complexity? Maybe mise en scene.... What ever you decide to do make sure that you comment about it on your blog (and possibly in your evaluation) or else the examiner won't necessarily understand or pick up on what you are doing. What is going to happen in the flashback... you need to know this. You talked alot about lighting but there was very little in the presentation so add it in somewhere. It sounds like you are going to have alot of props so make up a props list and justify why you want to use these props.
    Research the 'Hitchcock inspired shot' - films like Veritgo and LOTRs and post about it on the blog.
    Some other Film Noir film to look at would be (note that these are hard to come by but see if you can find clips on youtube - they all OLD films!!!)
    Sunset Boulevard, Strangers on a Train, Maltese Falcon, Touch of Evil, Scarface, Mildred Piere, China town
    Find more here:,asc

  5. JUst found some more notes I had made....
    You need to talk about the conventions you are going to use esp Camera techniques, and mise en scene.
    When you film the phone conversation record it several time - once from each perspective of the character, and so that we can here the conversation through the phone - see me if this does not make sense.
    You will alosn not be able to be silent throughout the whole opening as sound is a key convention in Thrillers - we will be looking at this soon in class

  6. I love your idea, it looks really exciting! Everyone else has basically said what I was thinking so I don't really think anything I say will be much help. I think my favourite bit is the female charater, she sounds really interesting. I hope you really bring her character alive :D
    Just wondering, does he have a motive for trying to expose the drug dealers? Or is it just to do the right thing??
    It looks like you've put a lot of thought into your work and I can tell your technique is going to be amazing.You have a fantastic plot idea and I really look foward to seeing your work!
